
Working with individuals and organizations to Fuel the Contagious Spread Of Hopeful environmental solutions

#Ocean Optimism

In 2014, Elin co-created #oceanoptimism to crowd-source and share successful approaches to ocean conservation. The tag went viral reaching more than 95 million shares to date. Check out current ocean conservation successes here.


An Existential Toolkit for Climate Justice Educators

In response to the climate crisis and the global pandemic, Elin is working with Drs. Sarah J. Ray and Jennifer Atkinson and an international network of experts to co-create an Existential Toolkit for Climate Justice Educators.

Monterey Bay Aquarium Teen Conservation Leaders Social Media Track

Gen Z is now the largest demographic in the world. Youth across the planet rank climate change and the destruction of nature as the most critical issue according to the World Economic Forum and other global surveys. Elin partnered with a diverse group of Gen Z’s in the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Teen Conservation Leaders program to co-create a new model for social media engagement that increases the Aquarium’s reach through youth empowerment.  See more.

Beyond Doom and Gloom online exhibit

People working with environmental issues experience high rates of burnout, hopelessness and emotional distress. Yet unlike oncologists or emergency workers, environmental scientists or educators often don’t recognize that they work in an emotionally high-risk profession with a need for self-care protocols. Elin curated this online exhibit with the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society to illuminate this issue.

World’s largest Marine Protected Areas

Timing matters. Elin worked with the Global Ocean Legacy Program of the Pew Charitable Trusts to write the scientific brief that led then President George W. Bush to use the authority of the Antiquities Act to declare what was at the time the world’s largest marine protected area (MPA) in the Marianas Trench in his final weeks of office. Happily, it is no longer near the largest. Read more about the successful trend to create ecosystem-scaled MPAs all over the planet.

Climate Interpreter

Elin led an empowerment evaluation for more than 40 aquariums across North America involved in communicating climate change and the oceans. This highly collaborative program evolved into thriving networks for climate change communication and ocean conservation.

Ecologists should learn to look on the bright side.

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#OceanOptimism & the psychology of powerlessness and hope

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